Favorite Poetry Blogs

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Performance Poetry
Sweethearts of Rhythm: The Story of the Greatest All-Girl Swing Band in the World

Nelson, Marilyn. 2009. SWEETHEARTS OF RHYTHM: THE STORY OF THE GREATEST ALL-GIRL SWING BAND IN THE WORLD. Ill. by Jerry Pickney. New York: Dial Books. ISBN: 9780803731875.
In this original collection of poems, Marilyn Nelson informs the reader of a sixteen piece all girl multicultural big band that was formed in the 1930's, and which performed through the 1940's. The girls were from the Piney Woods Country Life school in Mississippi, and they were truly a multicultural group with a Chinese saxophonist, a Hawaiian trumpeter, a Mexican Clarinet player and many African American musicians. We don't learn the story from the perspective of these amazing musicians however, instead we hear it from the instruments they played. The first stanza of the first poem reveals the setting, which is a pawnshop, after closing time. Nina De La Cruz's tenor sax begins the story. Each poem's title is the name of a popular swing standard. Nelson uses anapestic and dactylic meters which are meters found commonly found in songs. The poems don't always rhyme, and when they do it is not in the traditional way. But like the music of the era, the poems tell the story with a compelling swing. The story is about the musicians, the music, and the times,and the poems relate the essence of all of that in an artful and powerful way. Jerry Pinkney's watercolors and collages, reflect the story of the band as well as the story of the times; from the War to the internment camps, to the Great Depression. He explains in the Artist's Notes found at the back of the book, that the story has many layers and so it was appropriate to use a layering technique in the artwork. So he layers musical scores, newspaper clippings and road maps to create his version of the story.
The Author's and Artist's notes would serve readers better if they were placed at the beginning of the book instead of at the end. Readers would be more likely to stay with the poems if they get an explanation of the point of view and some background about the social, economic and politcal climate.
This book could be used for a lesson in history, music, gender studies, race studies, art, socioeconomics,-the possibilites are endless. In the poem "Black and Tan Fantasy," based on Duke Ellington's composition, students will understand that the music served a very important purpose in the time of war. The civilians, the wives, children, parents and other family members of soldiers were experiencing the hardships of war as well:
"It was solace, then, that swing music gave those crowds?/You and your sweethearts were really "soldiers of music,"/living like a tumbleweed, bathless and underpaid,/To uplift the nation's fallen morale with acoustics?"

Hopkins Poetry Award
Button UP! Wrinkled Rhymes

Schertle, Alice. 2009. BUTTON UP! WRINKLED RHYMES. Ill. by Petra Mathers. New York: Harcourt Children's Books. ISBN: 97801520505504.
Here is a collection of poems written from the perspective of various articles of clothing! In this clever collection of 15 poems, we hear from Emily's Undies, Rick's Wool Sweater, and Bob's Bicycle Helmet, to name a few! Emily is an adorable mouse who is drawn staring up at a an assortment of her underware hanging from a clothesline. Rick is an ostrich decked out in a turtle neck! The watercolor illustrations are a perfect match for the text because they are as whimsical and as charming as the poems. The rhyming poems read like chants when read aloud. Toddlers and preschoolers will be drawn to the action packed illustrations, and elementary students will find these poems both silly and enchanting.
My favorite poem in this collection is "Bob's Bicycle Helmet." The picture shows Bob, a dog, riding his bike on a grassy hill with a lovely cherry tree which is losing its blossoms to the wind. Bob's wearing a bright red helmet and is doing a wheelie down the hill.
"Bob's on his bike/and I'm on Bob/I'm Bob's helmet./I'm on the job./ Bob burns rubber./Bob climbs hills./Bob does wheelies./Bob takes spills."
Children could pick their favorite article of clothing and use their name to write their own poems from the point of view of their clothes. And how fun it would be to illustrate it!


My Dog May Be A Genius

Prelutsky, Jack. 2008. MY DOG MAY BE A GENIUS. Ill. by James Stevenson. New York: Greenwillow Books. ISBN: 9780066238623.
In this collection of over a hundred poems, Prelutsky and Stevenson collaborate to create another hilarious collection of poems and drawings that will appeal to both kids and adults. There are concrete poems, poems about animals and eccentric characters, food poems, school poems, poems about fears. In other words, there is something for everyone in this collection. The drawings compliment the text, and at times are part of the concrete poems. Prelutsky's poems are always readable his sarcasm is an example of his commitment not to talk down to children. It lends a sophistication that is captivating to the older reader. Yet, there are plenty of poems that won't go over the heads of younger readers. In the back of the book, readers will find and Index to titles as well as an Index to first lines. This collection seems to be giving a nod to Dahl and Blake with its irreverence and gumption.
Prelutsky's poems can be a wonderful way to introduce new vocabulary to students and challenge them to use the words in fun and interesting ways. For example, in the poem, "My Current Situation," the narrator in the first stanza, offers up several words that will challenge kids to guess their meaning: "My current situation/is ostensibly unique./Alarming things are happening to alter my physique./I'm growing hooves, I have a tail,/my neck now sports a mane,/and I can hardly wait to graze/upon a grassy plain."

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